Do you know exactly how much money you need to retire?
More importantly, do you know how much you need not just to retire, but to STAY retired, in the way in which you define it? Compass can help.
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Do you ever feel like you need a guide to help navigate your retirement? Retirement can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be! Listen in to learn more about creating a reliable and long-term retirement and download your complimentary Retirement Income Toolkit.
Your Retirement Income Toolkit provides you with information to help make sound decisions and build a retirement on a solid foundation that will stand the test of time.
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Our Guiding Principles
The Principle of Less Stress & More Success
By always having a clear vision of where you are, where you are going and how you are going to get there, you may reduce the stress you feel about your investment and financial planning issues. Proper planning and regular visits with your trusted advisor may help you better understand your situation and to make sure your strategies are keeping you on track to your goals.
The Principle of Double Vision
Proper management of financial decisions requires that you keep one eye on your current circumstances and one eye on your longer-term goals. Short-term fluctuations are normal and require attention but may throw you off course from time to time. By maintaining your focus on the long-term target, you may be better able to navigate “choppy waters” and arrive at your planned destination.
The Principle of Working from the Same Side of the Table
Making financial decisions has become increasingly difficult due to rapid changes in financial planning and investment solutions. To help you navigate through products and strategies to find what is appropriate for your particular situation, it is important that you hire a trusted advisor who will “sit on the same side of the table” as you and your family to help you hire and manage specialists, manage risk, negotiate fees and most importantly, to avoid costly mistakes.
The Principle of Protecting Your Capital First
To enjoy long-term success in your investment and financial planning activities, you must protect your capital first, and grow your investment capital second. Diversification, proper research, caution and experience, can help you avoid pitfalls that may compromise the best made plans and put your future in jeopardy.
The Principle of Balance
Financial planning is about finding the proper balance between living a complete life today, while saving sufficient funds to allow you to live a full and prosperous life during your retirement years. Over time, your plans, your attitude and your needs will change. With each change it is important that a new point of balance be identified.
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or call us at 203.454.5970
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Financial Planning
Income Planning
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Investment Management
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Strategic Alliances
Comprehensive Planning Associates, Ltd. is a second generation company taking care of multiple generations of clients, helping to protect, grow and preserve their wealth. We pride ourselves on the services we perform for our clients, and are licensed in many areas of the financial sphere.
For the areas we do not specialize in, we have created strategic alliances with other professionals so that every aspect of your financial life will be working together to achieve your goals. By working together, we aim to help reduce inefficiencies, fees, overlaps and redundancies. All of our relationships are based on mutual respect for the service provided to our clients. There is no monetary incentive between the strategic alliances to refer to each other, only the satisfaction of knowing our clients are in trusted hands.